Manual Handling Instructors Course

Course Description

The Manual Handling Instructors Course is a 4-day program accredited at QQI Level 6, essential for individuals aspiring to become certified manual handling trainers in Ireland. Recognized by the Health and Safety Authority (HSA), this course equips learners with the knowledge, skills, and training resources needed to train others effectively in manual handling.

Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of manual handling legislation, regulations, and ergonomics, enabling them to assess and manage manual handling risks. The course also covers anatomy, physiology, fitness, and flexibility, providing a foundation for promoting safe manual handling practices.

Emphasis is placed on developing trainer skills, including instructional techniques and communication strategies. Learners will receive training materials necessary for delivering high-quality manual handling training sessions.

This course is particularly beneficial for organizations seeking in-house training options, as it allows for flexible scheduling and cost savings by eliminating the need for external trainers. Freelance trainers can also expand their services by becoming certified manual handling instructors.

Course Content includes legislation, regulation and ergonomics; anatomy, physiology, fitness and flexibility; manual handling risk assessment; trainer skills; practical lifting; manual handling course design and exam preparation; and written and practical examinations.



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